
So. Another day has passed by and I'm typing this in the middle of the night. -3- Well, today was a good day for me cos me and dad went swimming to the pool in Pajala! That's a small village in Sweden. And luckily today they had this offer that pupils (the school students, not the things you have in your eyes XD) can go swimming for free! Of course I'm not a pupil anymore but we told to the lady that I am so I got in for free. How pwnage is that! I think we were there for over an hour and I also think I have been to sauna for 4 times today ;; Because before I went swimming I took a sauna (I love the sauna at the swimming hall! It's so big +_+) and then after half an hour or so me and dad got both really cold so we went to sauna again ... And we went back swimming and after we decided it was time to leave cos we were both really knackered we went to sauna again. Haha, and because we had both forgotten to take shampoo with us we had to take another sauna at home, too. Sauna for 4 times = a very good day, eh? :D Oh, and I also met some people I know from my village. It was so funny when one of the boys went, "Hey T***, I think I know that girl!" I laughed on the inside so much but I didn't let them talk to me cos I just wanted to swim in peace. :3

Even though today was a good day I'm still feeling a bit sad about yesterday. Well, sad plus disappointed. It's hard to explain but ... Hmm, sometimes I just feel a bit worthless. What some people do - I know it's not my fault and I shouldn't feel sorry or disappointed about these things but it's hard not to. -3- Too sensitive? Maybe so but that's what I am and always will be. *hoppin* Enough about that though cos I don't want to think about it anymore. And the 'it' I'm referring to could be counted as C*NTS.

I've downloaded all of Kino's Journey! YA-HA! I love that anime so so much. It's very philosophical and makes you really think about some things, "What if that were true?" etc. My friend recorded a Kino's Journey marathon to a video cassette but how unlucky is this, she fell asleep during the marathon so she couldn't change the tape so she only got like the first 6 episodes. :| Anyways, I watched the anime then (though only the 6 episodes) and I just fell in love. Silly me because I didn't realize to download it earlier. -o- I've watched all the episodes now, a few of them several times and I still love the anime. ^^ I think everyone should watch this anime but unfortunately I think most people probably just can't be bothered to watch it ... And that's just wrong.


I just realized that after all this thinking I forgot to mention that I'm on a vacation now! :3 It's called Skiing Vacation in Finnish but I guess it's Sports Vacation - or something along those lines - in English. At least that's what it is in Swedish. o_O' Anyways, because of the vacation I've been able to go swimming now and dad said we might go to this other swimming hall tomorrow (today?), too. I love swimming more than any other sport there is so I think these days are gonna be much fun. I guess Skiing Vacation is more like Swimming Vacation to me.


Oh dear, I have to go to the dentist tomorrow. I'm not actually worried but I am ... well, concered about what the dentist will say because I don't have my braces anymore. I was really annoyed one day so I tore my braces off. ^^' It hurt a bit but I have really enjoyed my time without the braces and I don't think my teeth are wonky or anything. And besides, they haven't sent me any notice in the last effin year that, "Hey, you have an appointment to the dentist!" Wtf! Usually there was only two or three months tops between my check-ups. Well, I guess I'll just have to tell them they fell off or something like that ... Hopefully they'll buy it. :'D


Well, I guess I should end this rant now. I'll probably continue my night by listening to music (Clazziquai - Love Mode ft. Tablo, atm ) and watching some anime. So long!


"Pinch Your Soul"